defgenCircle(N=5242): """ :param - N: number of nodes return type: snap.PUNGraph return: Circle graph with N nodes and N edges. Imagine the nodes form a circle and each node is connected to its two direct neighbors. """ ############################################################################ # TODO: Your code here! Graph = snap.PUNGraph.New() for i in range(N): Graph.AddNode(i) Graph.AddEdge(N - 1, 0) for i in range(N - 1): Graph.AddEdge(i, i + 1) ############################################################################ return Graph
defconnectNbrOfNbr(Graph, N=5242): """ :param - Graph: snap.PUNGraph object representing a circle graph on N nodes :param - N: number of nodes return type: snap.PUNGraph return: Graph object with additional N edges added by connecting each node to the neighbors of its neighbors """ ############################################################################ # TODO: Your code here! for i in range(N): n1 = (i + 1 + N) % N n2 = (i - 1 + N) % N Graph.AddEdge(n1, n2) ############################################################################ return Graph
defconnectRandomNodes(Graph, M=4000): """ :param - Graph: snap.PUNGraph object representing an undirected graph :param - M: number of edges to be added return type: snap.PUNGraph return: Graph object with additional M edges added by connecting M randomly selected pairs of nodes not already connected. """ ############################################################################ # TODO: Your code here! N = Graph.GetNodes() cnt = 0 while cnt < M: src = np.random.randint(0, N) dst = np.random.randint(0, N) ifnot Graph.IsEdge(src, dst): Graph.AddEdge(src, dst) cnt += 1 ############################################################################ return Graph
defgenSmallWorld(N=5242, E=14484): """ :param - N: number of nodes :param - E: number of edges return type: snap.PUNGraph return: Small-World graph with N nodes and E edges """ Graph = genCircle(N) Graph = connectNbrOfNbr(Graph, N) Graph = connectRandomNodes(Graph, 4000) return Graph
Question 1.1 Degree Distribution
计算Degree Distribution。Degree Distribution就是:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
defgetDataPointsToPlot(Graph): """ :param - Graph: snap.PUNGraph object representing an undirected graph return values: X: list of degrees Y: list of frequencies: Y[i] = fraction of nodes with degree X[i] """ ############################################################################ # TODO: Your code here! X, Y = [], [] DegToCntV = snap.TIntPrV() snap.GetDegCnt(Graph, DegToCntV) for item in DegToCntV: X.append(item.GetVal1()) Y.append(item.GetVal2()) ############################################################################ return X, Y
defcalcClusteringCoefficientSingleNode(Node, Graph): """ :param - Node: node from snap.PUNGraph object. Graph.Nodes() will give an iterable of nodes in a graph :param - Graph: snap.PUNGraph object representing an undirected graph return type: float returns: local clustering coeffient of Node """ ############################################################################ # TODO: Your code here! C = 0.0 neigbors = [] deg = Node.GetDeg() for i in range(deg): neigbors.append(Graph.GetNI(Node.GetNbrNId(i))) cnt_nbr = 0 for i in range(deg): for j in range(i): cnt_nbr += neigbors[i].IsInNId(neigbors[j].GetId()) if deg >= 2: C = 2 * cnt_nbr / (deg * (deg - 1.0)) ############################################################################ return C
defcalcClusteringCoefficient(Graph): """ :param - Graph: snap.PUNGraph object representing an undirected graph return type: float returns: clustering coeffient of Graph """ ############################################################################ # TODO: Your code here! If you filled out calcClusteringCoefficientSingleNode, # you'll probably want to call it in a loop here C = 0.0 V = Graph.GetNodes() for NI in Graph.Nodes(): Ci = calcClusteringCoefficientSingleNode(NI, Graph) C = C + Ci C = C / V
############################################################################ return C
# 所有1-hop节点放进去 for i in range(center_node.GetDeg()): nbr_id = center_node.GetNbrNId(i) Nodes.append(nbr_id) # 所有2-hop节点放进去 for i in range(len(Nodes)): mid_node = Graph.GetNI(Nodes[i]) for j in range(mid_node.GetDeg()): nbr_id = mid_node.GetNbrNId(j) Nodes.append(nbr_id) Nodes = list(set(Nodes))
for mid_id in Nodes: if mid_id == Node_id: colors.append('r') else: colors.append('b') # print(Nodes) for i in range(len(Nodes)): for j in range(i): if Graph.IsEdge(Nodes[i], Nodes[j]): Edges.append((Nodes[i], Nodes[j])) # print(len(Edges)) G = nx.Graph() G.add_nodes_from(Nodes) G.add_edges_from(Edges) nx.draw_networkx(G, node_color=colors) #
Part 3 Community detection using the Louvain algorithm
Community is just sets of tightly connected nodes.
首先是定义一个优化目标,其应该是A measure of how well a network is partitioned into communities,该值正比于划分的好坏. 即对于每一个可能的partition都给出一个分数,目标就是找到使该分数最大的一个划分。这里使用的指标为:Modularity。定义如下图所示。